Long Night Ending in a Win
Well, it took a while but the Padres finally beat the Mets last night in 14 innings to get only thier second home win on this young season. Actaully, the game was infuriating because inning after inning the Padres had runners on base and even in scoring position only to hit into a double play or fly out of the inning.Finally, Blum singled and Giles hit one in the left field corner and Hoffman (the third base coach and brother to Trevor) sent Blum to the plate out of shere desperation more than anything. The play was close, but Blum was called safe and the Padres won.
Woody pitched great through eight, count em, eight innings.
Barfield and AG continue to impress.
The bullpen, which exploded the previous night, continually frustrated Mets hitters.
Bochy didn't play righty-lefty percentages except when changing pitchers.
Mendoza Line
Greene is offically under the Mendoza line at 197. Mike, at .200, is right at the line. The difference of course, is Mike is headed to the hall and typically warms up through in May and June. Greene, OTOH, has me worried. It looks like he's trying to go yard everytime he's in the box. I think Greene is stuck between being a pwoer hitter and a slappy hitter. Wish one of the vets like Roberts would pull him aside for a chat about choking up on the bat and going the other way. With Greene's...er....a temperment, I wonder how you go about talking to him. Right now Greene is a hole in the lineup.
Another Tough Game
Another tough game tonight with the Mets. I love the way we are playing the Mets, though. We are a tougher team then I thought and and its apparent in this series.
Go Padres
Padre Mike
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