Monday, August 22, 2005


Abolutely pathetic at the plate, ordinary on the mound, and the bully continues to bleed. So the result is predictable, 6-2 lose against a pretty good Astros team.

But, when my son asks if we are still in first place, I say, "yes, we are still in first by four games."

"Then what's the problem, Dad?"

What can I say, Padre fan? It seems no matter how crappy a team we are, the baseball Gods want us in first place...for some reason.

But I would not pay good money to watch that slop at the plate.

Hope the best for Peavy tomorrow.

Go Padres

Padre Mike

1. Gee, after Houston leaves town, its nothing but crappy teams, also known as the NLW, for the rest of the season. Lucky Padre fan.

2. The umpire did rip Nady off with a very bad third strike on a Kennedy killer curveball. I mean, the guy has a great curve, but it shouldn't fool the ump.

3. Visiting teams seems to have no trouble hitting balls out of Petco. Witness Birkmen two-run dinger to Padre Alley. I'm sure Alderson is taking note.


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