I know I know....
We got problems with pitching and defense and a tough schedule with the Mets, Philly, Fla and ATL coming up...but I don't care.We are hitting the ball again after a two month slump and that is all that matters, for now.
Even losing the middle game in the Berg with on a walk-off gaper didn't bother me, because we scored eight, count em, eight whole runs.
The pitching and D will get better once if start continue to hit, once the team feels they are always in games because they can hit.
For two months, it didn't matter if the D or P was great, we couldn't hit so a lose was inevitable. Now, hopefully the tide has turned and we are hitting again.
First, lets focus on winning series, then lets get back to 500, then get to a 500 road record, then get some distance in the NL West.
All of this is possible with hitting.
Padres are in DC which is fun. Should be interesting to see JFK stadium. As a Redskins fans in the Joe Gibes era, I remember that place as cold and loud.
Those looker rooms have a lot of history in them.
Go Padres!
Padre Mike
1. Dennis Morgeno on the cable broadcast...he's not too bad. Where is Maddy?
2. Interested in hearing the players impressions of DC. Are they going to hit a museum or two, hope so?
3. I guess Greene is a country hick (said with all due respect and affection for the guy). UT reports he visited relatives in rural Pennsylvania, said it felt good to be out of the city. Maybe he and Klesko can go bow huntin over the winter.
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